Reflection on being busy

Reflection on being busy
Photo by Nathan Riley / Unsplash

If you know me, you know that I like to be busy.

At this point in my life, I am not sure why I do the many things that I do. Is it because I am bored? Because I like the challenge of juggling 50 things at once? Because I don’t trust other people to get things accomplished?

In reality, it’s none of those things. I like to be busy simply because I dislike doing nothing. That isn’t to say that I never do nothing, rather that I don’t like spending downtime doing nothing. I’d rather embark on an obscure technology quest or watch a YouTube video about a computer from the 1980s than play a video game.

I think I got this desire to do something from my parents. Ever since I was young, my parents have been involved in something. As a result, I have always been involved in something.

Another reason that I like to be busy is because I am a firm believer that if nobody does anything, nothing will get done. Instead of sitting around and thinking about what could be, if we all worked together and each person does something, we can accomplish great things. Of course, as standard in human nature, some people end up doing more than others.

To sum all of this up, I’m not really sure what I was trying to say. I made this post because I wanted to blog about something. I figured that if I blogged about something, that might be a motivator for me to blog more in the future.

Thanks for reading this far. If you also like to stay busy, let me know in the comments below!